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Gauloi preview


Hacked out in anger over a few weekends with a good friend, we did some Eth <> BTC atomic swaps. We came up with a plan to try and create a decentralised orderbook for the swaps where they would be priced as options. The goal was to sidestep the pitfalls of traditional "collateralised multisig" approaches to cross chain exchange and create a truly peer to peer ecosystem. Credit goes to 0x33a for persisting beyond reason with BDK and P2WSH.

Rust, BDK, TS.

Eth Melbourne preview

Eth Melbourne

I help out co-organising the Ethereum meet up in Melbourne along with a motley crew. The meetup covers non Eth topics (Bitcoin? Farcaster?) and is more a technical meetup for blockchain developers and enthusiasts. We've fielded speakers from paradigm, nethermind, railgun and others. I gave a few talks as well - one on blockchain indexers and another on the lightning network's flood and loot vuln.

eye contact, peer to peer communication preview

I once tried to aggregate and find new tokens surfaced through popular social media. I built this dashboard in a few days, in a cold empty apartment in Berlin during covid. It worked really well, but I wasnt sure and sold some of the suggested buys. It led to the most regretful transaction of my life so far.

Typescript, mongo, react